Sunrise Senior Living


July 31, 2022

About Session

We are thrilled to welcome a new community to our Sing For Your Seniors family with our first session at Sunrise Senior Living. Our audience eagerly gathered around the gorgeous grand piano in the lobby as accompanist Christopher Zander sat down to play, while the streets of New York were framed in the huge windows behind us.

Megan, a longtime SFYS Artist, opened the session with one of her beautiful classics, “If I Loved You.” Megan shared show business stories, which our seniors always love to hear about. Melanie told the story of how she grew up singing in her grandmother’s garden in Chelsea, and brought some songs made famous by Judy Garland, including “Johnny One Note.”

Emily performed “When She Loved Me” from “Toy Story 2,” sharing a tender moment with a senior resident. While Emily sang sitting next to the resident, she clasped her hand over her heart and her face lit up.

That’s why we do what we do, for these special moments connecting with each other. We can’t wait to be back with our new friends next month!

Accompanied by: Christoper Zander